Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Removing a Fatal Impediment" by Deepcaster LLC

'Some of the worst Investment Mistakes and Political Misjudgments occur as a result of the psychological impediment of “Denial.”

'Denial is a natural human tendency - - it is often easier, temporarily, to deny unpleasant realities than to actually address and cope with them. But failing to address, acknowledge and cope with unpleasant realities more often than not has quite deleterious consequences.

'This is especially true in the world of investing. As we describe below, key ominous financial and geopolitical developments over the past weeks are coming to a head. There is a high probability that these developments will serve as an occasion for, at the very least, greatly increased tension, and, at worst, for disaster.'

The rest of this article, which covers domestic and international crises in progress are at:

This is stuff the domestic media refuse to cover accurately.

Keep your eyes and your mind open,
Michael Childress

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