Friday, April 18, 2008

Jim Willie's Hat Trick Letter - 16 April 2008

This link takes you to an unfortunately valid diatribe about the U.S. financial, political, and economic situation as it stands at present. It pretty much tells it all like it, sadly, really is:

Jim Willie posts a public commentary about once a week. This is about the only commentary that gives a valid big-picture perspective on what is going on in the world - as opposed to the Pollyanna sound bites you will find in mainstream media. What the talking heads employed by Our Masters tell and assure us today must be kept in the perspective of what they told us yesterday - and Jim Willie is about the only person out there who reminds us of past proclamations.

Perspective is in miserably short supply these days ... and Truth is virtually absent.

Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open.
Mike Childress

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